Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tanglin Mall Xmas

Spent some time taking post-dinner gratuitous photos at Tanglin Mall. Even PS and black dress couldn't save me from looking flabby from too many sumptuous meals. Ok, enough about me and my poor weigh management skills. I salute Tanglin Mall for the superb job they did with the decor. They have decided to go green with the decor this year. Kudos to the management!

Although I doubt that they specially went to source for the recycled materials, it was a creative attempt at using everyday objects for a project like this, saving a few trees from becoming contractor plywood.

For example, the roof of this gingerbread house is styrofoam plates.

The precious convertible has Pepsi cans for wheels, aluminium foil for its bumper, newspaper mache mudguard, bonnet overlaying styrofoam (which of cos is still not that eco-friendly). And whoppee...I get to be car model!!!!

This watch tower is impressive. It has egg trays for walls, giving it a cyber high-tech feel. And Jasmine's 2-tone pumps from foxtrot are yummy! haha maybe becos I had something to do with it.

And this is the bestest xmas tree ever.

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