Monday, April 26, 2010

SKC Obedience Trials

Being the ambitious mom to Tiger is not a new thing to me. So here we are on the 24th April, entering the trials for the second time in hopes of going home with a trophy. This time round, it's being held at a pavilion at Hougang St 61 instead of Singapore Expo. Every year, the trials are booked last minute at Expo when some event backs out. This will enable SKC, a non-profit organization, to get better rates. This year, no slots were available and they had so much difficulty getting a venue. Some of us donated $ to help them out. I think dogs are really underdogs in Singapore, where no one gives a damn about animal rights, much less all these obedience trials. Hopefully, in time to come, dog owners will pay more attention to training their pets so that they have a better relationship with them, and so that they won't be pests to neighbours all around with incessant barking.

Anyway, here we are at noon, squinting and panting in the heat respectively, warming up, literally without aircon.

 We're next in line for the Pre-Novice category, where the exercises are done with leash. We did well for this one. Tiger was fantastic! I know I looked pensive and stern.  The sternness was deliberate so that Tiger would be able to sense the seriousness of the moment.

 Here's the Novice category, where exercises are done off-leash. Tiger is earnestly following my Heel command. He was really tired out by the heat and could barely sit. Every time we stopped, he went down on all fours. Sad to say, we didn't make it for this one.

Trials over. Now we can relax with this toy poodle...Camfry. He is such a baby. I only held him for 30 sec before he started whining for his daddy.

 Yayyyy...results are out and Tiger came in THIRD PLACE for pre-novice. That's one position up from last year. But I'm really pleased cos this time round we were so ill-prepared for it, and the environment sucked. It was hot, echo-ey and too open with pedestrians walking about, dogs yelping, BBQ smoke, rain etc.

 Prizes included a pack of dog food which I know picky Tiger wouldn't touch.

 So proud of my baby! Note the bling bling leash we bought him. Perfect for a glam dog like him!

 Last pic and its home sweet home.

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