Monday, April 5, 2010

50 PLUS Expo

Sunday was spent at 50 PLUS Expo, an "aging gracefully" conference for senior citizens offering courses, booths, talks, shows, entertainment, pageant etc. There were all these booths selling holidays, body-contouring inner wear, luxury buses and clothes too.

We are here to volunteer Tiger's services for community work.

Here's a bunch of the pooches involved doing a corporate "down-stay" before the show.

The maltese is a canine celebrity now, having appeared in a SingTel ad.

A smug-looking poodlesaurus.

Tiger doing a face-off with Koko, a gentle and loving labradoodle whom I love to hug. She's like a giant teddy to give a bear hug to and there's so much of her to love. Stroke her enough and she'll roll over for you to stroke her belly too. This breed, btw, is great for allergy-prone people who want to keep dogs. They don't shed at all, since all the hair loss is contained in the curls. However, you'd probably need someone to brush through the coat now and then.

Tiger was a good boy today. He didn't make a fuss of having the huge contraption on his back. 

Giving a whole new meaning to "sausage dog".

Patrick Wong, aka Wong Si Fu, is well-known in the circle as one of the best dog trainers around. His students regularly take top place in obedience trials and his dogs have been in showbiz since 20 years ago. He has a boomz personality to boot, so he freelances as emcee for numerous dog-related events. Btw, if you look carefully, he bears an uncanny resemblance to Taiwanese show host, Wu Zhong Xian. Both are around the same age, and have the gift of the gab. Long-lost brothers perhaps?

Here's a Great Dane, only 8 months old and he's about as big as me. Imagine when he's full-grown! I've never met him before, so he must be thinking "What the....?!!" when I hugged him. He affectionately left a huge drool stain on my blouse. He's not with the other dogs cos he lunges at every dog he meets. It's not aggressive but I wouldn't want to be trampled upon. His handler couldn't even control him when he willfully charges about.

Aunty Lucy aka Chong Qing went to the event too. Took a photo with him backstage making a coy pose. He/she's very popular with the aunties. They all went to give him a spontaneous hug and went: "Aunty very beautiful leh. Wa, your  ne ne pok (breasts) full of foam ah...hahah...". 

Tiger's 15 seconds of fame. He was so scared of the loud noises he was petrified. Couldn't even climb up the stairs himself and had to be carried. Sigh...what a disappointment. Guess it's my fault, seeing that I've been too protective towards him on a daily basis.

We went to the Alps then headed straight to the beach for some surf. Haha..

It was fun walking about all the props. Thankfully, I don't belong here. Well, not my time yet. Will take a look in about 20 years.

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