Friday, April 23, 2010

Hair Extensions for dogs

What animal is this? Impossibly cute eh? When I put these pics up on Facebook, my friends thought Tiger had a new hair cut. In fact, what he has on is a fox tail in a similar colour as his coat which I am holding on to. He hates all the peripherals I try to decorate him with, but good-naturedly put up with my whims.

I realize that when other people see pics of Tiger and hear me glossing over cute, how obedient, how much personality he has, how he can watch TV and see photos etc, it really seems a bit ridiculous. They may even think I'm going overboard to attribute to an animal so many human traits when all they see is another dog. When other people talk about their dogs and show me pics of their favourite pooch, it also seem so distant to me. "It's just another dog" I think at the back of my mind.

It's only when one truly interacts with the animal and stays with the pet for a prolonged period of them that some emotional bond is formed, and the animal goes beyond just being someone else's pet to become an individual entity with a personality, likes and dislikes. An example is my friend's family. At first when they meet Tiger on outings on occasion, it is just a hi-bye, pet-pet-friend's dog  kind of interaction. Later on when we went on holidays and let Tiger stay with them for weeks, they kind of looked upon him as more than just a dog and more as a person. They really missed him afterwards.

So for those of you who think we dog-lovers are crazy and indulgent, try staying with (a good) one for a week and see if you change your opinion.

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