Saturday, November 28, 2009

K9 Feelings

Tiger was NOT good last night. After an evening trip to fetch me home, he hadn't been feeling very well, throwing up 5, 6 times bouts ofbout yellow bile and foam. We were worried but had booked tickets to New Moon. When we came back past midnight, I realized that little Tiggy had pee-ed on my bed, wetting my silk duvet cover and down quilt. Good thing it didn't soak all the way into my new bed sheet! After removing the quilt, it still smelled fishy. On further investigation, there on my sheepskin rug was a pile of poo!! And worse, Tiggy had tried to cover his misdeed with my Paul Frank shorts. He had apparently stepped on my shorts in the process.

I was livid! My shorts all covered in squashed poo!!! And my newly-washed sheepskin too!

We confronted Tiggy with the evidence and he was as sheepish as my rug. His ears were flattened behind and he crouched guiltily. That's Hidden Poo & Crouching Tiger for you. I decided to mete out very light punishment considering that he was ill. Some scolding was enough to make him beg for forgiveness as he rolled over on his back and licked my hands. We had to do SO much washing last night. When we beckoned him to bed after we finally finished at 3am, he was so reluctant to come in, knowing that that was the place of crime. We literally dragged him in.

Looks like my little canine friend here went through a whole gamut of emotions last night. From feeling sick, to frustration that mom and dad left him alone in the big house when he was ill, to anger, to remorse (trying to cover his tracks), and finally to guilt then relief. Whoever said animals don't have feelings?

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