Saturday, November 21, 2009

Freaking Coincidence

My friend Agnes sent me an sms: "Soccer widow seeking company to watch movie tonight." So we decided to watch 2012. I asked Joanne and Winnie along only to find out that they already bought tickets to watch the 9.10pm show at Marina GV. That's coincidence No. 1.

Agnes then bought the seats at another Bugis cinema for the 9.20pm show instead. When we got there, I realized that we had the exact same seat numbers as Joanne and Winnie, P17 and 18! :O

What are the odds?

So, 2012. It was hell of a movie. Very thrilling and fantastic special effects. The movie was so realistic that it's scary. The sense of hopelessness as everything fell apart hung over our heads as we followed the plot. But of course in the usual Hollywood style, all the heroes were saved, families were united, bad guys (and some good guys) died tragically, and the black USA president (ironically named Osama) chose to sink with his 'ship'. Ok, no more spoilers. Go watch the movie for yourself!

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