Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Horse Slaughter

 just watched a Youtube video on horse slaughter that's absolutely sickening. It made me so upset to see the horses being treated in such inhumane ways. Apparently, horse meat is a delicacy in some high end restaurants. So to meet the demand, healthy horses are being killed.

Horses are up there on my list of favourite animals, next to dogs. They are animal companions. To see them being killed made me sick to the stomach and made my eyes water. You have to watch the video for yourself to see why: After travelling for days without food and water, with only cramped standing spaces and without regard for their injuries, horses are led to slaughter houses where blood and carcasses lined the walls. I can imagine how terrified they must be hearing the noises of other horses being killed. I can see the terror in their eyes, the helplessness, the vulnerability. Horses were being knocked unconscious with the use of a hammer gun to the head. After they are down, they are hung by the legs and their throats slit, allowed to bleed to death so that their meat can be harvested and their hides used for other by-products.

Now I feel really bad because I just bought a horse hair bag. And moreover, I am using horse hair in some of my shoes and pouches, thus contributing to the demand for horse hides. I resolve not to use any more horse leather after this batch. I may not be the one doing the killing, but indirectly I am contributing to their deaths.

As for eating horse meat, now that is totally gratuitous. There are so many kinds of meat for human consumption. Why eat horses? They're majestic creatures that have braved many battles with their masters. They already serve man with transportation and sports like polo. Why make them our food? For these reasons, I'm idiosyncratic with food. I don't eat rabbit, venison, other exotic fares and never horses! In fact, if you ate horses, I would be upset with you! I stick with the chicken, beef, mutton, fish, prawns, crabs and other limited variety. I think rabbits and deers are too cute and gentle, too defenseless to be eaten. Actually if I could, I would rather not eat chicken or beef as well. I would turn vegetarian if I thought too much about the animals that I consume. But that would be a radical choice, severely curtailing my dietary options.

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