Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Funny Bone

Something tickled me today. Ah ma was in hospital because of gout for the last 2 days so I visited her. Due to the H1N1 situation, the hospital required everybody to register their contact details and to wear a mask while in the wards.

When I reached her bed, Ah ma was sleeping so I just sat beside her and watched her sleep. Opposite us was a severely emaciated woman. She looked cadaverous, hollow-cheeked and her skin was a faint hue of green. As she slept, her eyes sometimes rolled up to show only the whites and her mouth was slightly ajar. Above her was a sign in red that read "NIL BY MOUTH".

Ah ma was awoken by the sound of this woman's caretaker speaking to me. So Ah ma started speaking to me. She asked me about the woman's nationality, whether she was suffering from cancer. Then Ah ma showed me her knees and told me how it had been swollen. Next she asked me if I was the friend of the woman opposite!

Then I realized she hadn't recognized me! I pulled down my mask and exclaimed "It's me, Ah Lee" (that was what she called me since young). It was a really funny situation to have your grandma not recognize her favourite granddaughter.

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