Friday, October 16, 2009

The Artificial Virginity Hymen Kit

‘Like A Virgin’ Kit Causes Uproar in Egypt

fakehymenkitThe Artificial Virginity Hymen Kit has been causing a legit uproar in Egypt.  What’s in the phony purity pack?  Why, a diaphragm that trickles a blood-like liquid, of course!  And it’s all in an effort to trick new hubbies into thinking their brides are carrying a V-card.

The kit is seen as a tool of empowerment to some, but Egyptian conservatives believe it promotes promiscuity and ultimately threatens Islam.  Members of the Muslim Brotherhood (who control 20% of the seats in Egypt’s parliament) have called for a ban on the kit and jail time for anyone that is caught peddling it.

I haven’t found any stats on how many have actually been sold (if any).  But I do know that the $30 kit is produced by a Chinese company called Gigimo, who promotes the product through mail-order ads that advise women: ‘’Add in a few moans and groans, you will pass through undetectable.'’  Moans and groans of pleasure or discomfort?  It sure would be nice to put a ban on placing so much value on virginity.

Article from

I think the idea is  ingenious. It’s the perfect answer for lascivious old men seeking young “virgin” brides to refresh their flagging their libido. Or those hypocritical Egyptian/Muslim men who go around defiling women everywhere and yet expect their brides to be pure as snow. I think the whole idea shoots right into the heart of double standards for men and women. Men who sleep around were (and still are) considered "experienced" and are supposed to be better lovers. On the other hand, women who do the same thing are "cheap" and "used". While the men sought for 'sluts' to sleep around with, when it comes to marrying a wife, she should be very preferably, a virgin, with no prior experience. 

Call it deceit or just a clever way of duping foolish men. Or even giving women who had their virginity taken away a second chance. Broken hymen? Don't fret. Now virginity comes with a price tag of $30. 

Of course, I'm not subverting the preciousness of virginity or even cheapening it to a product that can be bought with money. And no way am I advocating promiscuity for women. I just feel that with this mass market product, the boundaries have been moved. In parts of the way where non-virgins are condemned to lifelong unhappiness, there is now a second chance. That's human rights from Gigimo, China!

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