Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Furry Pets Cafe

Remember the post on tick fever...here's poor Win Win. Her owner said that she was able to open her eyes in the morning but when I went in the evening, she looked like this:

She was grouchy and didn't want to play with my doggy, like she usually does. And no one could get her to open both her eyes. I hope it is not the result of atrophy. That would be tragic. She could at least look cute and normal even if she couldn't see in one eye.

Anyway, the subject of this post is the opening of FURRY PETS CAFE & PET SHOP at the Badminton Hall (Guillemard Road).  Incidentally, they have prawn fishing there. Part of the hall has been cordoned off and converted for enthusiasts.

Here are the westies having fun. Besides Win Win, the owner Tony has another small female, Breeze. Tiger and her are great friends.

Here's me cuddling a really heavy westie. And Panda, another resident at the shop.

Over at the cafe, Tiger is cuddling his fav Uncle Tony! He lurrves Tony, can't stop licking his ear. That, btw, is how Tiger shows love. I tell him to "kiss kiss" me all the time. The other dogs can't stand him cos he keeps licking their lips whenever they meet! LOL! The concept of 'french kiss' is too human for them to understand!

Love this pic. So sweeeet! Uncle Tony is also the cook for the cafe, which also serves HUMAN food. There's also US Doggie Bakery there, serving canine food. Basically the same as human pastries except that it's lactose-free and contains no sugar. They use honey as substitute. Very healthy even for humans. And it tastes good. I should know....I tasted Tiger's birthday cake last year. Haha, really!

As you can see, it was a crowded day for Furry Pets' opening. 

These 2 pooches were clamoring to have their photo taken, seriously...

...until food came!

Tiger was a bad boy. He went around disturbing the peace among the canine community till they barked him off! 

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