Friday, January 16, 2009


Nicolas Ghesquiere has outdone himself once again. Oohh I love Picture 1...those black ribbons interspersing the fur coat is so yummy. And those cool boots-wedge in pic 3 oozes Coolness. I like the grey bag in Pic 4 too! It appears to be either woven or quilted leather...anyway those bumps must feel so addictive.

The arm mittens in Pic 3 and 4 are really "ermm" though. Makes you look like you suddenly had a hormonal overdrive and grew much hair on your arms! Or you were morphing into a grizzly bear.

Not impressed with pic 6. The ruching puts 5 pounds onto the model instantly; the mid-calf dress shortens the legs . The colour is boring and grey, and the motorcycle boots and gloves makes her look like she can't decide where to go!

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