Friday, April 3, 2009

Cool Pix

Haha..gotcha didn't it? Wonder what the cat was doing lying down at the side of the road like that. Isn't it kinda uncomfy, not to mention dangerous.

This one is breathtaking...salt crystals under the jetty creating the look of a forlorn, bleak wintry day. From another angle this looks like the jetty was taking off on pillars of rockets.

I like the cat's wry expression and the toddler's look of absolute fascination. 

Good thing this one's a pic and not real life. Nope, not a fan of six-legged creepies, even though they look really pretty here. Strange that I used to play with ladybirds as a child, pulling out their wings so that they wouldn't fly away and stay by my side, in my pencil case. I brought them to school to stave boredom away!
This one is really cute...the cocky cockerel leading the way across the stream with his harem of snow white hens in utter admiration. They were too 'chicken' to cross the stream i think. Why did the chicken cross the stream? get to the other side. Haha! Another stupid chicken joke.

This one I like...never knew praying mantis came in this colour. It reminds me of one of those Chinese traditional dancers striking a pose. So graceful. Unfortunately, some male mantis live short lives. Usually they fall prey to their female counterparts while mating with them. The female, usually twice its size will often eat the male during the consummating process. Sometimes they bite off the heads first, leaving the body to complete the job. For a gory experience, check out Youtube.

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