Monday, March 1, 2010

Winter Sonata II

Yong Pyong Ski Resort.

It's Feb but the Christmas decorations are still up. Maybe the wintry season prolongs Christmas for them!
Terrorist and Bank Robber! Muahahah!

The sub zero air was drying out my skin by now and my nose couldn't stop dripping. The ski outfit was complimentary. But I really hate the pink and black ski jacket... with fur trimming some more. With the black pants, I look really like some 'mountain tortoise from some backwater village in China. Not to mention that the pants was some 30cm longer than my legs. I was tripping over it half the time.

At first, skiing was challenging. There were so many items to mind, unlike snowboarding. The boots were so so heavy and just to walk that short distance uphill for a short slide down made me soak my thermal wear with perspiration. Later we gave up and bought the ticket for the ski lift. Then it start being more enjoyable. I'm glad to announce I only fell twice. While stationary. Not even while I was skiing. I left the resort with a big bruise on my knee.

Those little round blobs in the background are stones in the little stream. So cute!

The resort at night...magical!

The next to EVERLAND!!!!

I took this roller coaster made of wood! real...more like this kiddo one here. The big one was closed to my dismay. Too cold. :(

Another kiddo ride.

Here's the reason for all the kiddy rides...Xuan, the tour guide. He chose to chaperon all of us due to limited time. So we were shooed from place to place. I was disappointed cos I'm kinda a theme park junkie.

The funniest pic so far...

Street parade,  just like in Disneyland.

Having some last minute cam whoring fun at the stores. And walking my little tiger here....
O man, my nose is soooo red from the cold weather. It was a hassle wiping it dry all the time: looking for tissue paper underneath all the layers, taking off glove, wiping nose, keep tissue, putting back gloves. Winter is really a hassle.

My dream candy store. Imagine all the calories you can chalk up in this place!

Then it's goodbye EVERLAND. I will come back again someday for that rollercoaster. Also missed the safari ride here.

Do not adjust your screens...this is NOT an optical illusion! Cool art huh?

Performers from MISO, a traditional Korean performance. I couldn't help falling asleep although I do appreciate the beauty of the performance. Managed to take a shot standing next to the prettiest gal in the troupe. The one standing next to David was also stunning. They're all so tall. Hmmm...are they wearing 6-inch heels underneath or what?! I feel like a dwarf already...

Yeah, I know I look ashen, thanks to waking up at 6am, coupled with bad lighting at the hotel room. Can't do any kind of makeup in that light.

So here we go making Kimchi. Actually it's not much of a cooking class. It's one of those places that con
tourists of their $$ while masquerading as a noble educational event.

Here at the same place, we also get to pretend to be Korean. We even 'borrowed' kids from a couple from the tour group.

That concludes my Korea trip. We did visit Lotte World as well, but it couldn't hold a candle to Everland. Unfortunately, it was CNY, and most of the shops were closed so shopping was a let down. There was only one night to spend our Korean won. We went to Doota Tower to offload our wallets till 3am.

Farewell Seoul, I will be back for more retail therapy!!

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