Sunday, May 17, 2009

New (ugly) Neighbours

I have the misfortune of untidy new neighbours hailing from mainland China. They've rented the opposite unit a floor above, giving them a bird's eye view of everything I do in my living room and bedroom if the curtains are drawn open. 

Just look at the photos above...never knew the balcony could double up as a storeroom? Now you do! All the big pieces of sofa and mattresses, strollers or even a baby cot that you don't know where to put? There, perfect for the balcony.  The railings also serve to dry big sheets. 

 And wait, don't forget that shared spaces like the stairs can also be used to hang your laundry. I mean, why waste the space? The neighbours wouldn't mind, right? After all, after paying a million bucks to buy a unit in a quiet serene condo, all you need are such considerate and thoughtful neighbours right next door. And what fire hazard? Just how likely is a fire to break out at home? Who cares if the stairs are blocked? The lifts are always available.

This family talks in loud tones (typically Chinese), and has two young children with strong vocal cords wailing their hearts out every now and then to remind me of their existence I suppose. 

Not just am I forgoing my privacy, it irks me that it's being compromised to untidy, inconsiderate people with no inkling of good taste. Looks like the curtains are going to be drawn a lot more often now. Not just to protect my family from peering eyes, but also to prevent eyesore.

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